Saturday, July 5, 2008

How we Knew Each Other

one evening in december 2005 my bestfriend and I texted each other, those time she asks me if i will stroll in gym to watch time to shine, and I replied yeah and why?she said, she got a textmate and the guy was already in the gym. she asks me a favor to meet the guy. But I refused her to meet the guy,coze i really dont have any idea about the guy that she wanted me to meet. she gave the guy's # to me and she gave my # to the guy. the guy first texted me asking if i knew angel? and i replied yes !she's my bestfriend and why you know her? he said she's my txtmate and she told me to meet you so that she can get an idea about my personality from you. and then i said "ah ok" we started texting each other , when the time come that he decided to meet me, i do many foolished things to him,coze im not prepared to meet someone whom i really dont know yet. And finally i decided to meet him, i really dont know what will i say to him, only "hi" came out in my mouth. and i asked him if his name was ______.hehehe!after saying that i told him that i have to go,i feel so ashame with him( baw ano hahahaaha). so when im home already , i texted my bestfriend, i told her that her txtmate was so very fat and dark..heheehehe!and she replied oh really????so how's his image??? i told her "k lang" morning comes the guy texted me Gud morning Miz Josephine How r u?i replied him "k lang" I was shocked that he remembered to txt me, coze it doesnt came my mind that after we meet we will still be txting each other, coze what's on my mind was that Im very ugly person that guys will mind me, we became friends, he start asking about my lovelife,my study and more,and my bestfriend knew that.when he found out that i dont have bf he started courting me , but i dont mind him, coze im not sure if he was serious about what he said, coze the end of his text was have "hahahaha" and i hate reading hahaaha everytime he texted me...and also because those time i dont have feelings with him because of his fatty body and so very darky!!!hehehe, he dont stop courting me eventhough sometimes i dont have time to entertain him. 8 months after i accept him as my bf , coze i feel pity to him. but not mean i fall inlove with him. i accept him just for a try , and im not serious with our relationship. all i knew his my bf only in text. and we knew each other only in text. he always wants to see me everytme we text each other.and i do many reasons and alibis to him so that i couldnt saw him and he understands me.we decided to swap our #s. i fall inlove with him finally, and my relationship with him grow stronger,we always keep reminding our promises.he decided to work abroad, eventhough his far from me, but still his loved lived in me, we dont stop communicating each other , we always update each other about the challenges both of us.but 3 months after he decided to go home coze of his work, its so hard to him to adjust. i cant explained what really my reaction when i heard what he said. i dont know if im happy or what,happy to saw him again or disappointed to his decisions coze he waste the opportunity. but theirs nothing i can do with his decisions is that to let him back. and now he tried to apply in abdoad again. hehehehe!!!!

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GOD allows life to be rocky road, his challenge is not to let it grind you into dust, but to polish you into a brilliant GEM....

NEVER take for granted, every person close to your HEART because you might wake up one day and realize tnat they've lost a diamond because you were too busy collecting stones...

YOU dont become a better person because you're suffering but you become a better person because have experienced suffering...

LIFE consist of tough decisions:GO ON or GIVE UP, HOLD ON or LET GO, STAY or LEAVE, but its comforting to know that GOD remains faithful whichever we go...

ENTHUSIASM is one of the most powerful engines of success, when you do a thing, do it well with all your might, be active , be energitic, be faithful, be accomplish your objective...

TIME spent in self-pity is time most wasted...

LIFE ends when you stop dreaming, HOPE is lost when you stop believing and FAILS when you stop dream, believe and care. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...

NEVER fear in shadows, it only means theres a light shining on..

THERE is never a night or a problem that can defeat the sunrise of hope...

TO achieve something great, we must not only act, but also hope, not only plan but also believe...

LIFE is uncharted territory. it reveals its story one moment at a time...

LIFE is'nt about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself...

Go Forth With Pride

We join with one another, we pause now to recall, of other mountains yet to climb, of others dreams to share, we have climb to the top of the mountains, we have struggled and learned and achieved, now we stand and face the future, strong it all that we believe.
Go forth with pride follow your dreams, stand tall with dignity, go forth with pride reach for the stars, live life abundantly, make the wold a better place in all you do, you can make a difference ONLY YOU!!!

wHen sOmEoNe tHrOw sOmEtHiNg aT yOu unExPecTeDlY,dO yOu dUcK oR tRy To cAtCh It?

About Me

im jo, simple and friendly to someone else, i love people who are humble and know how to accept there mistakes...